Friday, July 5, 2013

#FridayisUpdateDay: June 5th, 2013


-So, apparently Dark Horse was in my blind spot, because I didn't find out about this movie until I saw the trailer. And then I didn't even know it was a CBM until a week or so later when I read it online. So yeah, apparently there's another CBM coming out this year, and pretty soon, on July 19th. I'm gonna be honest, I don't know much about this movie except what the trailer tells me. Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges as dead cops on the "Rest In Peace Department" who hunt down dead people that don't want to accept that they're dead. What confuses me is, isn't this police force doing the exact same thing? Also, where will the drama come from if the main characters are already dead. Anyway, I might pass on this one until Redbox, but if you're a fan of the books or if you go see the movie, let me know what you think, I might check it out.

Agents of SHIELD

-Sam Rockwell has expressed interest in returning as Justin Hammer in any future Marvel movie or the SHIELD TV show.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

-Joe Russo was misquoted. He didn't say "It's going to be much greater than any Marvel film to date," he said "It's going to be much grittier than any Marvel film to date."

Avengers 2

- Joss Whedon says that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch will be a "huge part" of Avengers 2. He also said he was intentionally not paying attention to what Fox/X-Men is doing.

Justice League

-Christian Bale says he will not return for Justice League

Hellboy 3

- Ron Perlman and Guillermo del Toro tossed around the idea of Hellboy 3 with Thomas Tull, head of Legendary Pictures.

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