Friday, July 26, 2013

#FridayIsUpdateDay July 26, 2013

Alright, so now the Comic Con news has hit and settled. It would be pretty hefty to try and repeat all of that information in a single post, so here are some highlights.

-DC/WB has announced that the sequel to Man of Steel will feature Batman. It seems the film will focus more on them fighting for the majority of the movie, and the most likely title is "Batman vs Superman."

-Agents of SHIELD screened their pilot episode to great reception

-The Marvel One-Shot (short film) Agent Carter was also shown to audiences, and was likewise well-received.

-Sony has announced that The Amazing Spider-Man 2 will set up the next two movies

-Fox reveals that sentinels will likely play a large role in Days of Future Past

-Marvel Studios reveals the title of the Avengers sequel, Age of Ultron. However, Kevin Feige claims they are not adapting the storyline of the same name from the comics, they are only using the title, so it's hard to tell how large of a role Ultron will actually play, or his supporting cast (Ant-Man and Vision).

-Joss Whedon has stated that Loki will not be in Age of Ultron, but others at Marvel haven't been so clear.

-Joss Whedon has confirmed that Hawkeye will be back for Age of Ultron, and he'll be having more interactions with the other heroes, not get stuck being brainwashed for the majority of the story.

-Guardians of the Galaxy has started filming, and Karen Gillan delighted fans by revealing she had shaved her head for the role of Nebula

-A fair amount of news comes from the lack of announcements: No announcements for films based on "new" characters, like Black Panther, Dr. Strange, Flash, Wonder Woman, etc.

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