Now for probably the best and most important tie-in comic: Fury's Big Week.
Why is this one so cool? Well, for starters, the name. The title comes from the fact that the main happenings of Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, and Thor all occur within about a week of each other. So this comic gives a nice timeline.
Additionally, this comic ties in to every movie/character, not just one, and has a lot of "between the scenes" stuff, not just "behind the scenes," and really helps tie the movies together and explain a lot of details. If you're going to read any of them, read this one. I'm actually not going to give much plot, just list some things this story addresses.
- A lot of tension between the World Security Council and Nick Fury, and how Nick Fury gets away with ignoring them. In his words, "We keep doing what we're doing and tell them that we're doing what they want us to be doing."
- The non-cure SHIELD develops for Stark's Palladium poisoning (Black Widow injects him in the donut shop).
- Major plot points of all the movies. Stark vs. Rhodey, him dying, Jane Foster's research, Thor trying to get his hammer, Loki trying as well, Hulk tearing up Culver University, Blonsky fighting him, the Destroyer, the Hulk fight in Harlem
- Some background, exposition on Hawkeye. Why he's in New Mexico with Thor.
- Nice references to the short film A Funny Thing Happened on the way to Thor's Hammer
- Some background into why Black Widow is so freaking terrified of the Hulk in the Avengers. Hint: she's seen him Hulk out in person before (Culver University). She saw the Abomination first-hand too.
- SHIELD using the Destroyer to make new weapons, as seen being used by Coulson in The Avengers
- Nick Fury and Gen. Ross whipping it out (not literally). But they disagree about a lot of things.
- Whatever happened to Samuel Sterns? Yeah, he transformed into the Leader. He just didn't get very far.
- Turns out SHIELD (Nick Fury) was actually looking for Cap -- for years -- they didn't just "happen" to find him.
- Turns out Loki met Hawkeye when he was "possessing" Selvig at the end of Thor, which is why he brainwashed him in Avengers.
- Lots of great Coulson personality in comic form.
- More Nick Fury magic. Remember in The Avengers, they wanted all their focus on Phase 2? Yeah, that's happening here. They want his top priority to be on learning about the Tesseract, and they get pissed when they find out he's been up to other projects. The way he defends himself is amazing, and he ties everything together nicely with the Tesseract.
"I not only saved Tony Stark's life, but I also provided the guidance he needed to finish his father's work. The greatest result of that being the creation of a new element, which might be extremely useful in reigniting the Tesseract.
After that, I formed an alliance with the extra-terrestrial Thor and then recovered the Asgardian weaponized armor, which if I'm not mistaken comes from the same realm as the Tesseract. Maybe my pal Dr. Erik Selvig, another recent ally, can learn more about the Tesseract from the armor, or vice versa? Just a thought.
After that I ran interference to keep that halfwit good Thaddeus Ross from destroying New York City with his enhanced psycho-soldier. I'd hate to speculate on how a man like Ross got his hands on the classified intelligence that led to that horrifying incident.
Oh! And meanwhile I've kept a small team on the hunt for Steve Rogers, which I know might be perceived as disobeying orders...I just thought it might be handy to have access to the only human being on the planet that has had any direct experience with the Tesseract."
Here are some of the great photos from the comic, relating to the films. Because this comic is its own story, these pages help to remind the reader where they are in terms of the events of the films.
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Romanoff updates Fury on Stark's "situation" |
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Stop. Hammer time. |
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My guess is the Hulk was mad that there was no Culver's at Culver University |
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Hawkeye in New Mexico after Thor pwned the Destroyer |
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Black Widow observing the fight in Harlem |
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Samuel Sterns did in fact start transforming into the Leader. He was then shot by Black Widow. |
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