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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Phil Coulson....super Agent?

So I saw this online the other day (here), and I have no idea whether or not its true, but I had to post it because of the amazing level of epic this would have if it were in fact true.

If you haven't yet seen the short film A Funny Thing Happened on the way to Thor's Hammer featuring Coulson, go ahead and watch that first (4 minute video)

Ok, now check this out. The picture banner at the top is taken from the ending of Captain America: The First Avenger

Marvel has been known to pour Easter Eggs into the movie, and to not have hardly anything be a coincidence, so I was really starting to buy this. I thought, why have a line of dialogue there? And why name the child if it wasn't important? And why name him Phil unless it was supposed to be him, already introduced in three previous films? I was so ready to believe.

Now, I didn't remember hearing that line in the film, so I re-watched that scene, and the line isn't there. I watched it again. Nothing. Turned up the volume. Still nothing. Put the subtitles on. Nothing. Checked it with the director's commentary. All they say is that it was a reshoot. Check the deleted scenes, featurettes, everything the blu-ray has to offer, and it simply isn't there.

So I'm not sure where that line came from that started this whole thought process. Pages all over the internet say its there. Even IMDB has it listed in their trivia. But it's simply not true. Regardless, it's a fun idea. Another variation I've seen is that this boy is Phil Coulson's father.

Now then, allow me to use this instance to highlight my own integrity. While much of what I say is opinion-based, I promise to you, my readers, that whenever possible, I will confirm anything like this myself, and not take the word of the internet and continue to pass on falsehoods.

Consider this. Likely, very few people know of this potential Easter Egg. Of the ones that do, even fewer know that the line was fabricated. And you are now one of those people.

Of course, the Agents of SHIELD show could always address this and confirm or deny that it's Coulson. I can't say about that. All I can say is that the kid is never called "Phil" in the film.

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