(Mild Spoilers)
I saw
Star Trek Into Darkness over the weekend, and it was the best movie I've ever seen. Now, I'm not a trekkie of any kind, and never cared about Star Trek before 2009, and while I enjoyed that film, this one just blew me out of the water. Go see it.
But that's not about comics, and this blog is, so, I came up with an excuse to talk about Star Trek on here.
I know this is a silly topic, and never going to happen. Get over it. It's just something fun I had thinking about:
What if the cast of the two most recent Star Trek films were cast into roles throughout Marvel movies, specifically the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
But before you go saying how impossible it is, consider this: Two of the actors have already played in the MCU, one
has been cast in an upcoming film, one has played in a Marvel film that's not part of the MCU, two have been in a non-Marvel comic book film, and one played on a TV series about superhumans.
Let's start with those actors, shall we?
Faran Tahir
In Star Trek:
Captain Robau,
U.S.S. Kelvin (the first ship seen in the film, that immediately falls to Nero).
In Iron Man (MCU):
Raza, one of the leaders of the 10 Rings organization
Left to Right: Captain Robau, Tahir, Raza |
Chris Hemsworth
In Star Trek:
Captain George Kirk,
U.S.S. Kelvin, father of James Kirk
In Thor (MCU):
Thor, God of Thunder
From left to right: Captain George Kirk, Hemsworth, Thor |
Eric Bana
In Star Trek:
Nero, leader of the Romulan force
In Hulk (non-MCU):
Bruce Banner, human counterpart to the Hulk
From left to right: Nero, Bana, Bruce Banner |
Alice Eve
In Star Trek Into Darkness:
Dr. Carol Marcus
In Men in Black III (owned by Marvel)
Young Agent O
Where I see her in the MCU:
Invisible Woman. Now I realize that right now, the Fantastic Four film rights are owned by Fox, not Marvel, so this wouldn't technically be in the MCU, so I've included some alternates. Still, I think she'd be good in the part, and there's always the possibility, however slight, that the two could merge (to an extent).
Why: In the film, she plays a sweet, sexy girl that gives off vibes both of villainy and innocence. She's a mystery throughout the whole film. I think she could bring a fresh feel to Sue Storm. Get us away from the pathetic excuse for acting that Jessica Alba gave us, and show us a badass Sue Storm, who can more than hold her own, who understands the power she has and uses it.
Alternate: Warbird, Mockingbird
Why: Warbird, Ms. Marvel, Carol Danvers, whatever you want to call that character, she's a strong female character, and she needs to be in a film. She's also a pilot, and I think Eve can bring the smarts, the power, and the attractiveness of the character. Mockingbird, similar reasoning, and could get some development with her and Hawkeye.
From left to right: Dr. Marcus, Eve, Sue Storm, Carol Danvers, Mockingbird |
Eve in Men in Black III |
This was in two seconds of the film, and now its impossible to search anything related to Alice Eve without seeing it. I don't want my blog to be the only entity exempt from that, so, here's Alice Eve in her underwear. |
EDIT: I meant to throw in here the Enchantress as an alternate, but I forgot. Again, she's a mystery throughout the film, and I think that ability could work well in a villain who using seduction a lot of the time.
Karl Urban
In Star Trek:
Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
In Dredd (non-Marvel comic book film):
Judge Dredd
Where I see him in the MCU:
The Punisher. Now I know that there have already been three films about this character, but Marvel just recently had the film rights transfer back to their own studios.
Why: Now, honestly I see Urban as a villain, and I blame Bourne for that, but with the Punisher, he could have that darker personality, but still have the integrity of a hero. After playing Dredd, he might find the role too similar, or maybe he liked it enough to do it again.
Alternate: Dr. Strange, Kang, Zemo
Why: I see him bringing an arrogance to Dr. Strange that could keep him on level with Stark in the MCU. But like I said, I really see him as a villain, and
Kang or Zemo could be huge villains that would need an experienced actor to make them truly great.
From left to right: Dr. McCoy, Urban, Punisher, Dr. Strange |
Urban as Dredd |
Zachary Quinto
In Star Trek:
In Heroes (non-Marvel TV show about superhumans)
Sylar, the main recurring villain
Where I see him in the MCU:
Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner
Why: He nails the pointy ears so well! Also, Namor has a troubled relationship with Humanity, something Quinto has portrayed to various extents in
Star Trek, Heroes, and
American Horror Story. He has shown he will consume himself in a role out of respect, and Namor deserves an actor that will do that.
Alternate: Vision
Why: The vision is an android with mechanical systems so complex that he has emotions and a conscience similar to a human's. But more often than not, he relies on logic, not emotion, to function. Sound familiar? Quinto was perfect as Spock, he'd make a more than decent Vision.
From left to right: Spock, Quinto, Namor, Vision |
Quinto as Sylar |
Zoe Saldana
In Star Trek:
Lt. Nyota Uhura
In The Losers (owned by DC comics)
Aisha al-Fadhil
In Guardians of the Galaxy (upcoming Marvel film in the MCU):
Gamora, daughter of Thanos
From left to right: Uhura, Saldana, concept art for Gamora |
Saldana in The Losers. She's had a scantly-clad scene in every film I've seen her in, so I won't be surprised if her costume in Guardians of the Galaxy is somewhat faithful to the comic version, seen below. |
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Now let's take those characters who haven't yet been in a true Marvel film, and the remaining actors of the main
Star Trek cast, and see where they'd fit.
Chris Pine
In Star Trek:
Captain James Tiberius Kirk
Where I see him in the MCU:
Henry "Hank" Pym, aka Ant-Man
Why: I've already
published a post on this!
Alternate: Captain Marvel
Why: I know very little about Captain Marvel, except that he's known for being attractive. I think Pine would suffice. And hey, he's already played a Captain!
From left to right: Kirk, Pine, Ant-Man, Captain Marvel |
Simon Pegg
In Star Trek:
Montgomery "Scotty" Scott
Where I see him in the MCU:
Voicing Rocket Raccoon in
Guardians of the Galaxy
Why: Simon, I love ya Pal, but a superhero build you ain't got. There aren't many heroes I could see you handling very well. You're voice is great, though, and Rocket Raccoon, despite his following, is going to need a solid man behind the fur. Besides, you've already voiced a mouse! Time to level up!
From left to right: Scott, Pegg, Rocket Raccoon |
Pegg voiced the talking mouse "Reepicheep" in The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader |
John Cho
In Star Trek:
Hikaru Sulu
Where I see him in the MCU:
Iron Fist
Why: Now before you call me a racist, don't call me a racist. I know that Iron Fist isn't Asian. But he's also descended from a fictitious dimension that doesn't exist, so getting his ethnicity correct is impossible. But let's face it, the character has a very Asian feel. The martial arts, the oriental-inspired costume, the dragon connection, it all leads the mind toward Asia. And besides being the only Asian actor on the main cast of Star Trek, Cho has shown that he can at least
act like he has great fighting skills, something essential to Danny Rand.
From left to right: Sulu, Cho, Iron Fist |
Anton Yelchin
In Star Trek:
Pavel Chekov
Where I see him in the MCU:
Rick Jones
Why: Let me start off by saying that Yelchin is
adorable as Chekov in the
Star Trek films. And I have no shame saying that. He's like a little puppy that's just trying to make his owner happy, and I love it. Great work, Anton. Now Rick Jones is a character that has been referenced in the MCU briefly, but hasn't appeared yet, and I think he deserves some screen time. He's a huge part of Hulk history, and connects well into Cap's storyline later, so they've already got plenty of him to do. Add in some Bucky drama (perfect connection to
The Winter Soldier) and Rick Jones can be a huge part of this franchise. A long shot though, so I came up with some alternates.
Alternate: Quicksilver, Johnny Storm
Why: I just think he looks like Quicksilver, and though Quicksilver's Eastern European heritage might not line up perfectly with Chekov's Russian lineage, keep in mind that the accent in the film was fake. Yelchin is small and lean, the perfect shape for a speedster. As far as Johnny Storm, again this would be outside of the MCU, but he could bring a fresh, younger take on the character, and get away from the jerk that Chris Evans portrayed in
Fantastic Four (before Evans became the much more noble Captain America).
From left to right: Chekov, Yelchin, Rick Jones, Quicksilver, Johnny Storm |
Benedict Cumberbatch
In Star Trek Into Darkness:
Where I see him in the MCU:
Why: A lot, and I mean a
lot, of people are throwing Cumberbatch's name in for Dr. Strange. But I don't see that at all. So, ignoring that, his portrayal of Kahn was very mechanical, very emotionless at times, but always powerful, and I think those traits would work well for Vision as well.
Alternate: Mr. Fantastic, Dr. Doom
Why: Again looking outside of the MCU, I think he just looks like Reed Richards, and has the voice and the ability to portray that level of intellect. As a villain though, he would make a very menacing Dr. Doom, and help us forget that pathetic version Fox gave us back in 2005 and 2007.
From left to right: Kahn, Cumberbatch, Vision |