Thursday, May 30, 2013

Special Guest Author!

Hey everyone! This is the girlfriend writing. Surprise! My boyfriend has loved writing in this blog this year and I’ve loved watching how passionate he is about it and being able to stay connected to him by reading it while we are away from each other. He asked me to write a blog post for him as a joke (but I think he secretly really wanted me to) and so I figured I’d surprise him.

Now as much as I love learning about all of this comic book stuff, I didn’t really get into it until I started dating my boyfriend almost 2 years ago. And since then, he’s introduced me to a whole new world of fantasy: Marvel vs. D.C., Graphic novels, the View Askewniverse, Cosplays, and I’ve gotten him into the theatre world where we discovered this amazing show called “Hero”, which, if you read this blog, you should look into, because you’ll love it! ( Now I am super excited for the SHIELD tv show in the fall and can’t have conversations about any superhero movies with any of my friends because I have all of my boyfriend’s very strong opinions in my head and know I will piss everyone off around me.

So, what could I possibly write a blog post about since I just have all of his opinions in my head? This took me a while to figure out, but I thought, well what would I want to write about? Something that’s been on my mind a lot lately has been the difference between men and women. Now, there are a few reasons for this. I am about to join the real world so I’ve done a lot of soul searching this year as well as reading an amazing book called “Captivating” by John Eldridge and his wife Stasi Eldridge (The male version of this book is called “Wild at Heart”). This book has really been making me think about embracing my femininity and understanding my relationship better (I’m secretly hoping that by plugging this book it will convince my boyfriend to at least read one of them so he will know why I’ve been going crazy all year!)

Now all of you readers have either given up on my post or are about to if I don’t start talking about superheroes again.

As much as I like the fantasy life of superheroes and all things related, I don’t quite have the love or dedication of it that my boyfriend does. Yet, I’m a sucker for chick-flicks (I know you all are rolling your eyes right now, I am too). But they are both fantasies right? They are both protagonists fighting for what they want most, whether that be for justice or the one they love. Some of you are thinking, “Don’t compare my amazing comic book universe to some money-making, cheesy chick-flick mania”.

But this just goes to show (As “Captivating” points out) that men and women want similar things. Men want something to fight for and women want to have adventures. They want good men to fight for them, but not because they can’t take care of themselves. Women want to be fought for so they know they are worth the fight. They want to be seen as a partner to their man. They want to fight alongside him, which is why we can like superhero movies too!

It’s no surprise that Black Widow is one of my favorite characters in The Avengers. Why you ask. Because she can kick ass! I know she could take care of herself (and the other men if they needed it), but she still wants a romance like any other woman. She is a strong woman who knows how to be tough without losing her feminine side. What girl wouldn’t want to be like her? Now, I’m not even going to get into how society objectifies women, but even still. Women want to be fought for because they are beautiful and feminine, but they still want to be seen as a partner in their man’s adventure and fight.

So all of you should read those two books, because they will open up your eyes to so much about yourself and those you love. Thank you for sticking with me through this long post. Now all of you women remember that you are beautiful and you can kick ass too, even if not like Black Widow. And men, remember to include your women in your adventures. You’ll be glad you did. 

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