Friday, March 22, 2013

Some TASM2 updates

So, there's a lot of rumors going on about the upcoming Spider-Man sequel, about villains and supporting characters and whatnot. I posted this article a while ago about my thoughts on what I'd like to see happen. But getting some news from director Marc Webb's twitter account, I can confirm that, if nothing else, we will see the Ravencroft Institute -- basically a super-prison (think Arkham Asylum in Batman) -- which, while not exactly confirming, certainly suggests a plotline including a large number of villains. It also seems apparent that Oscorp will continue to play a large role in the film. I've also seen a little bit about a new costume, but don't have anything for you for sure now, sorry.

See the photos here at Marc Webb's twitter page

Maybe one of the costumes will look like this? Doubtful

Maybe it will be something more classic

Or maybe it will be something completely new


  1. With the super prison of Ravencroft, I'm thinking we're getting closer to Civil War, how about you?

    1. To be honest, I don't know much about Civil War. But I think, if nothing else, it's laying groundwork for a ton of villains (Sinister Six seems inevitable) of future storylines. Interested to see how Sony and Marvel are gonna end up merging with this.
