Monday, March 18, 2013


So, I've decided to do a new thing here at Comics Conversations, and that is posting a cool or neat or interesting or otherwise notable cosplay photo every week, in what I will cleverly refer to as "Cosplay of the week."

Why, you ask? Well, first of all, it's my blog, I don't have to have a reason. Secondly, I just really like cosplay pictures. Not just because of the pretty ladies, but also because its nice to know that there are nerds out there, and some of the pictures are just cool. Finally, it makes it easier for me to post these photos without having to come up with some tangentially connected web of trivia making the picture relevant to the main focus of this blog, the MCU.

So, here it is, the first weekly cosplay of the week!

So we'll see how long I can last on getting a weekly cosplay, unrelated to anything else, up here.

Another new feature I'll see if I can make stick, a "coming up" section about topics I'm hoping to get a post up about soon. Let's give it a try!

Coming up: Iron Man 2 (yes that's 2, not 3), Fantastic Four, DC/Superman, Mystique, Phoenix, Spider-Woman, Psylocke

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