Now I realize that any talks of casting for this part right now are purely speculation, but this one seems such a good fit I feel a need to talk about why it would work so well, and what aspects of that need to be found in the eventual actor chosen, as it likely won't be Jim.
1) He has the physical look. The dark hair, the distant eyes, the facial hair, its all there, and that's a big part of it for me.
2) He's played unconventional characters before. Between Edmond Dantes and Jesus Christ, Caviezel has played the types of interesting characters that Dr. Strange would be similar to. It's not any superhero role, its a sorcerer, a magician, and it requires somebody that can bring that personality to the role, and Jim has proven he can do it.
3) It fits with the other actors. Jim Caviezel is 44, which is considerably older than most of the other heroes in the MCU (RDJ an exception, at 47). Chris Hemsworth is 29, Chris Evans is 31, Jeremy Renner is 42, ScarJo is 28, and Norton/Ruffalo are 43/45. Countered against a predominantly younger cast, the age difference would compliment his skills to show the wisdom and somber character of Dr. Strange. There's no buddy buddy like Stark and Banner, no chemistry like Barton and Romanoff, he's clearly separated from the others, and that's something that needs to be incorporated into the film, he's not just another superhero, he's different.
4) The role deserves an actor like him. Stark needed to be played by somebody with an ego. Thor needed a young actor to portray the banished son idea. Dr. Strange was already an accomplished surgeon before he gained his powers, and had to go through a journey between the two. But he was already distinguished once, and an actor like Caviezel could bring that out, and it would mirror his own life in a similar manner to the other actor-character relationships.
Those are the main focal points I wanted to hit, though I may add more later. If you're not a comic reader but you want to learn more about Dr. Strange, Marvel released an animated origin film recently that's available on Netflix Instant. This film won't come out until 2015 or later, so you've got some time.

This guy would be absolutely perfect for Strange. I can't wait for the Doctor Strange movie because I know so little about him, and really want Marvel to bring him to life like they did with so many other characters. Thanks for notifying me to the Netflix Dr. Strange origin. I'll be watching it soon!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed it. They focus a lot on other members of the order or whatever (I don't know much about Dr. Strange either, but I'll be reading some of my dads old comics now), so I hope the MCU film can balance his own world with the larger universe well.