Saturday, January 26, 2013

Intro and Disclaimer

Welcome to Comics Conversations, my own blog to talk about comics and comic related things!

Disclaimer, this is not a news site, so don't expect new information coming on here! I'll be talking about things that people already know about, so don't tell me that you already know about something! Because I figure you do! Also, I can talk about rumors or ideas or anything I want, cuz it's my blog! So there!

As far as posting photos go, please don't be so naive as to think that simply because I post photos of females in revealing costumes, I must be some type of pervert. I simply happen to find them fascinating, and love that there are people out there that do it, and if I can post a photo of a great fan in a great costume that's relevant to something I want to talk about, it doesn't mean that all I care about are finding skimpy costumes.


  1. I'm commenting to prove to you that comments work.
    So there!
    Change the settings so I don't have to prove that I'm a robot.

    1. I don't know what settings those are, but I'll look into it. Thanks! Now vote for wasp!

  2. On your dashboard, go to "settings" (the down arrow next to the orange button for a new post), then "posts and comments" and for "show word verification?" select "no"
